Oh, good grief, did I really forget to include my news spot? Almost all the Space Tweeps were in the press in their hometowns over the past couple of weeks, and many people are busy as little bees, compiling lists of all the press items!
I should have shown this last week when we were on the way to the launch, but we were on the road when it aired and did not get to see the news on the home station, FOX 26 Houston. They also ran a print version in their "Offbeat News" section, hilariously titled: Rubber Chicken to 'Tweet' Shuttle Launch!
FOX NEWS: Epic Road Trip to Atlantis Launch
It's all about us driving "Sea to Shining Sea" to attend the launch... and I am so glad the launch went as scheduled, because it makes all the comments in the clip accurate. We all lived in fear of a scrub last week!
It's also stunning now to realize that a week has passed since Atlantis left Earth, though many of us are still glued to NASA TV, watching docking, EVA, and other events. There is an odd sense of sadness and deflation, of everything on the way home now being a bit anti-climactic, even while following the mission... because the big, roaring fiery part is over!
But we really want to thank Ned Hibberd of FOX 26, and all the other reporters who helped BUILD THE BUZZ, for this grand finale of the Space Shuttle program. It has been truly amazing to see space in the headlines every day!

NASA Archives: One of the many bridges
full of space fans watching STS-135 lift off!
full of space fans watching STS-135 lift off!
AWESOME CROWD! But now, the long drive home. I blazed through Florida and Alabama on Tuesday, not making as many stops this time, just trying to get some miles behind me. Yesterday, I stopped at the John C. Stennis Space Center in Mississippi, the second largest NASA site after Kennedy. Still getting pictures together for that, and will share soon.
Continued on through Louisiana, and into Texas, to meet some folks in various parts of Houston, and will continue west -- trying not to have seizures as the gasoline prices steadily rise! California prices are going to seem even worse now! But, we shall roll with them...