My bloggy-buddy at Six Golden Coins, Elizabeth in St. Louis, sweetly bestowed up on me Official Seal of Awesomeness! So, major thanks to the Missouri gal who made my day! Well, actually it was her day... I’m sooo behind in my endless email, and you’ll note this was a-ways-back yonder, as we say in Tay-ux-as.

Anywhooch, I now get to name five blogs that I think deserve the Official Seal of Awesomeness. Whether they like it or not.
Wired Science
An easy one, and not just because they interviewed me. I read their magazine and their blog long before that happened! Their writers are always finding fascinating things to serve as “News For Your Neurons.” They are also the major way people find their way to NASA research studies!
NASA Watch
Keith Cowing’s ever-popular site for all things NASA, including fresh news items, science articles, shuttle updates, commentary and a calendar of events. Constantly, tirelessly updated. Keith also works with:
I wish they updated this blog more often, though the posts are worth the wait when they do. Lately they’ve been more active on Facebook, so check out their page there for up-to-the-minute fun with their vodcasts and mascot, "Spooner."

Astronaut For Hire
I see folks of all ages who say they want to be astronauts or are studying toward that goal, but I think Brian Shiro by far has the best shot! Check in this week, he is writing an introspective about his overall participation in FMARS 2009.
The Space Advocate
Douglas Mallette’s tagline? “Space advocacy matters, especially to the success of the human species.” Enough said. Plus you just have to dig anyone who has three house-pets named Vader, Leia and Padme.
Revel in thy awesomeness!