Fellow prolific writer Missy Frye at The Incurable Disease of Writing has kindly bestowed upon me the Prolific Blogger Award. I am so flattered by this gesture, because we blog in completely different genres! Missy nonetheless took the time to recommend my blog to anyone interested in space exploration, and I would love to return the favor for any writers out there who enjoy tips about the craft.

According to the definition being passed along:
- A Prolific Blogger is one who is intellectually productive... keeping up an active blog filled with enjoyable content.
- Each winner must pass on this award to seven other deserving prolific bloggers, and link back to the blog post from which he/she has received the award.
Of course, I follow a great many bloggers who don't follow me – so I don't use this sort of tool for "web-ring-ing" returns, as it were. I just take the opportunity to spotlight great sites that I admire personally, so it's an honor to pass them on. Seven is a lot of reviews, however... so I have just chosen four favorites that I read consistently and that I think are truly "prolific."
Miles O’Brien
Longtime aviator and anchor, Miles O'Brien has spent the last 27 years reporting the news (17 of those as CNN's aerospace & science correspondent), and among his many professional accolades are the Rotary National Award for Space Achievement and the National Space Club Media Award. He has hosted his own blog for nearly a year now (where he finds time is a mystery to me!) and more recently began hosting TWIS, as we geeks refer to "This Week In Space," where he reports on anything and everything in the space industry, including his no-nonsense addresses to Congress. Worth watching. That is all.

Miles O'Brien & Moonwalker Gene Cernan
at the Rotary Club of Houston
at the Rotary Club of Houston
Pages, Pucks & Pantry
Long-time friend and first supporter of my flight simulation insanities, Mrs. L, writes about all that is fun and fascinating about scrapbooking, hockey and cooking. Pretty eclectic, eh? She occasionally stops the presses for interesting space news and amusing events in the Star Trek 'verse, so her blog has held my attention for many years. We credit her for helping me prepare my very first Thanksgiving Turkey, and keeping me up to date with releases like The Astronaut's Cookbook!
Newer but no less appreciated friend, space-enthusiast Amnon Govrin, describes his Spacepirations blog as "The pursuit of space and reaching for the stars, figuratively and literally." He documents his journey as a marathoning space-hopeful, and perhaps we'll all see him soon on the StarWalker Reality Show.

The Launch Pad
The nonprofit X PRIZE Foundation sponsors the Google Lunar X Prize (among others), which in turn runs a wonderful blog about all things moony. Oft-updated and always topical, it’s a great place to keep up with exciting independent projects like SELENE, Odyssey Moon, Euroluna, STELLAR, Frednet, and other teams hoping to make space exploration more accessible (and even profitable?!).
Revel in thy prolificacy! For other great places to follow space news and commentary, see also the Official Seal of Awesomeness.