Or maybe he is -- according to this books, he cannot seem to decide...

At any rate, I cannot believe I forgot I had video footage from the Trek convention! I only took two snips -- this one and the costume competition, though I stopped filming because the crowd was unpredictable, and the sound system was quite poor in terms of recording quality.
However, the audience quieted when Leonard Nimoy came onstage, and truly tuned into him very attentively as he spoke, so this clip is not so bad. Just a little fuzzy-wobbly. But hey, it's LEONARD NIMOY. I still say that like I met the freakin' king of the universe or something...
I am familiar with a great deal of Nimoy's photography and a little bit of his poetry, so I was happy when he read one that I not only KNEW offhand, but consider my favorite piece of his writing.
He did not recite the entire piece, but rather picked up toward the end:
A beautiful sense of identity and diversity comes through in his words, a very personal journey that he shares with us, so it was a treat to hear him read it in his rich, deep voice -- and also with the personal vocal inflection of how he wrote it. Emphasis can be tremendously meaningful in spoken poetry, more so than what jumps off a page.
This one-minute recitation is also on my channel at YouTube... go like it!! =)