Third time is a charm! Actually, that idiom is meaningless, because the first two were pretty darned charmed, too. In 2010, I attended my first Tweetup at NASA Johnson, then a year later made more new friends among the hoopy frood space crowd at the NASA Ames Tweetup!
Today's Tweetup is at the NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory @NASAJPL in La Canada Flintridge. Thanks to the kindness of the Mars Rover Drivers, I've already seen many wonderful things at the JPL, which is technically NASA's smallest sister in terms of acres, but certainly one of the most interesting in terms of projects!

The playlist is awesome, and I mean spine-tingling awesome. Our crowd of geeky guests will be treated to updates by scientists on all of the JPL projects listed below. Follow their Twitter accounts today, beginning at 8:30am PT:
Dawn - Solar System Discovery
Currently approaching Vesta and Ceres
Follow: @NASA_Dawn
Voyager I and II
Currently in the Heliosheath, set to enter Interstellar space
Follow: @NASAVoyager
Aquarius Ocean Study Satellite
Launches June 9, 2011... hey, that's this week, from Vandenberg!
Juno Mission to Jupiter
Launches to the Jovian system in August 2011
Follow: @NASAJuno
GRAIL - Gravity Recovery And Interior Laboratory
Launches to the moon in September 2011
SOFIA - Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy
Partnered with the German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Follow: @SOFIAtelescope
NEO - Near-Earth Objects Program
Better known as "Asteroid Watch"
Follow: @AsteroidWatch
Eyes on the Solar System
3-D environment of real NASA mission data
Follow: @NASA_Eyes
Imagine Mars
Education initiative to design a futuristic Mars community.

Throughout the day, all our Twittery goodness will be live on, and some portions will be broadcast on NASA Television from 8:15 - 10:30am PT and 1:30 - 3:30pm PT.
If you watch any of the live feeds, keep your eye out for NASA mascot, @Camilla_SDO. She will be in attendance, catching up on all the missions!