... with boughs of ... yeah, that analogy doesn't work for long. There is no good way to turn a carol into a Sci-Fi joke. Have you notice that Science Fiction programs rarely have save-the-day-in-the-nick-of-time Christmas episodes? There's always this vague notion that in the far future, there is no currency, no celebrations and certainly no bank holiday three-day weekends aboard star ships.
But, not the point today! Today, we revel in Trek goodness:

Ah, the Pillow Astronaut blog, for the first time in 460 total posts, is actually promoting... pillows. It’s all too poetic. Alert reader and fellow Firefly Quote-App coder Joanne Campbell from DragonFlight Designs facebooked this delightful link to me.
Be still my heart, I finally found a decorative set of pillows I would actually use. The creator is the brains behind the Yellow Bug Boutique, and makes pillows, holidays stockings, and tree ornaments in Star Trek TOS colors and designs. Can LED & wicker Rudolph The Red-Nosed Romulans be far behind? I love the magic of the season.

As if this wasn’t enough, the same craftswoman creates many other items using the Periodic Chart of Elements, spelling out things like Wine, Bacon, Chocolate, Beer and… Pirates? o but I bask in the glow of her awesomeness.
Regulars who keep up with my space sports might recognize this particular website, as I discussed Etsy's collaboration with NASA for a craft contest in November. Thousands of votes poured in, and finalists were chosen for the second round of voting in December.

I was gratified to see that a couple of the things I voted for made it to the finals... especially that nifty Space Shuttle hat. I keep trying to figure out someplace I could wear that gem. Anyway, voting is a shorter affair this time around, since there are fewer novelties to pick through, go check out all the great sci-fi creations!