Rhymes with Christmas. Because each one is a gift. And everyone has been keeping up with This Week In Space, right? Check out the 600-foot long flame! I am gratified that such huge crowds still turn up for rocket tests.
TWIS is usually hosted by Miles O'Brien, but a few now have been guest-hosted by up-and-coming celebrity David Waters, the show's producer, who also worked media relations at the United Space Alliance before founding his own production company.
Subscribe to their YouTube Channel to be notified each time a new episode becomes available, or you can also now subscribe to TWIS episodes on iTunes.
I know "fake NASA vomit" has practically been a meme across the internet this week (*stifling groan*), but it's really the least of what's been going on. Didn't George Carlin do a bit about artificial vomit? I'm so sorry he missed this… and the brief lesson in "How To Choose An Asteroid To Land On." I'll bet he could have had a field day on stage with that one.
In other news, the new NASA on the Commons Flickr photostream is the space agency's newest attempt to release more materials into social networks, showing both new and historical images from the NASA Image Archives. I had actually intended to do a whole post about this when I saw the press release, but it's better if you just click over there and blow a couple hours.

Rest In Peace, William Lenoir (center), 1939 – 2010
Also don't miss the memorial tribute to recently deceased shuttle astronaut Bill Lenoir, who flew the first operational shuttle mission, STS-5.