Visit Shamplade for your Cuddle the Shuttle T-shirt... definitely one of the most unique bits of space program apparel I've seen (for not being affiliated with NASA or The Space Store). Normally priced $24, they have been knocked down to $10 for as long as they last through the final Shuttle launches.

Real men can pull off pink.
Show your support for the space program! And apparently, pink is the new blue. Still waiting for someone to explain that quip to me.
They also has a number of space-related, Star Wars and Star Trek items on spring clearance right now, including a sweet TWOK phaser, Starfleet Academy titanium sporks (I couldn't possibly make this stuff up) and Tribbles... which people love photographing beside their kids or cats.
And if you haven't made one of these in the kitchen with your kids, why not?

Junior Space Helmet in action!
The best parts of ThinkGeek are the Customer Action Shots on each product page! Well, except for the ones accompanying the caffeinated bag of blood. I'm not linking to anything that creepy, but if you want to find it, look under the Caffeine & Edibles section. But I love that their workers openly invite customers to "bug us" and also create hilariously nerdy feedback surveys.
Please note I do not work for either company nor do I necessarily endorse any particular products. Just keeping it light in April and spreading the space love... !