New Scientist magazine doesn’t say if they are giving away Mars shergottite, chassignite, or nakhlite – though one assumes it’s the first choice, given they are the most common. But who knows? I imagine the only person who will find out will have the Red Planet specimen in their hot little hand!
Note: Object in promotional picture is larger than it appears. One centimeter, that’s like the space of about five type-written dashes. ----- yeah.
Still, it's from freaking MARS.

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Full online access, as given to paying subscribers, includes archive with no time limits and home delivery of their weekly magazine.
Once registered or subscribed, proceed to and tell New Scientist in 140 characters or less: What should be the first spoken words on planet Mars?
In other words, you have to think of an EPIC TWEET to win this pebble.

That's right, your job is to come up with the timeless words spoken by the first human to set foot on the red planet. And Mission Control has to be able to use it on Twitter.
There are 10 prizes total... the runner-up 9 being copies of My Life On Mars by Colin Pillinger.
The contest ends at midnight London time (BST) on Tuesday, May 31st, 2011, upon which time the winners will be emailed.