Oh, the drama! Seems we have some new astronauts learning how to navigate the Twitterverse -- always a treat! CollectSpace.com has a complete list of all the astronauts, cosmonauts, spationautes, taikonauts and flight directors with Twitter accounts... and may I just say: wow.
This "micro-blogging" medium has exploded in the space community, and I am so glad to see NASA embracing the buzz. Of course, some are sitting idle now, as the astronauts did not stay active after their missions, but many astronauts are continuing to tweet about various training or space-related activities on the ground, giving great insight into the @Astro pasttimes these days!

The newest additions are the newly selected crew members for the final Space Shuttle Flight, STS-135 Atlantis:
Commander Christopher Ferguson - @Astro_Ferg
Pilot Douglas Hurley - @Astro_Doug
Mission Specialist Sandra Magnus - @Astro_Sandy
Mission Specialist Rex Walheim - @Astro_Rex
Sandy is actually a veteran space-twit from her last mission to the ISS, but the blokes are just now spreading their wings. I was excited to see Walheim finally join, and even more excited to be one of his very first followers:
As you can see, I immediately started needling him -- all in good fun, of course; though I hope no one thinks I was serious about hacking. Or red jumpsuits. I also think it's hilarious that he actually invoked the Mission Control Center for help... with Twitter! But hey, they and many space enthusiasts rose to the challenge to help him troubleshoot.
I am now feeling just slightly (but benevolently) smug that amongst all the flurry of his new membership chatter, I was the only person whose tweets he addressed, LOL... and he finally had success!
Whatta guy. Good luck with continued training to our last STS crew, an all-veteran foursome who will definitely do America proud in our Shuttle finale!