Last February, I attended my first NASA Tweetup at Johnson Space Center in Texas, and today, I am headed to a similar event at Ames Research Center in California!
Last night, I had the (somewhat noisy) pleasure of staying in their on-site employee hotel, which is also often used by visiting military officers,the NASA Exchange Lodge in Building #19 at the historic Shenandoah Plaza.

I called one of my friends to tell him where I was, and he asked, "Hey, can you see the famous Hangar One from where you are?!" Um yeah, you can see Hangar One from just about anywhere in the entire zip code. Or at least parts of it:

Although, I'm hardly a Moffett Field newbie, having been Team Captain of a charity rollerblade race for the Multiple Sclerosis Society at Hangar One many moons ago when I lived in Silicon Valley. It's so weird to be here again! I used to work about 4 freeway exits away at Oracle Corporation... (back when I was fresh out of college and didn't mind being a corporate crash dummy).

Later today, I'll be joining people from all around the country to tweet about the many interesting projects at NASA Ames, including SOFIA and the Kepler Mission -- which reaches its halfway point today!
Fair warning to my Twitter followers... I average perhaps 3 to 7 tweets per day, and a re-tweet or two from some other astronomy geeks. For the next couple of days, I'll be firing them off like crazy from @Pillownaut, along with the rest of the resident space-twits!
Over the next week, I’ll be sharing videos on my YouTube Channel and also loads of fun photos of all my new buddies... stay tuned!