This video shows Devin trying out the downward tilt in the museum, simulating what happens to the body in weightlessness. If you're anywhere near Houston and could take the kids to visit Hermann Park, the Health Museum is definitely worth a looksee, and the Mars pavilion is just one of many interactive exhibits.
There is no "sci-fi" here... this is a realistic analysis of what would be necessary for a Mars Mission to be a reality in our lifetimes!
Here I am, spinning...! Another by-product of weightlessness is how the inner-ear and systemic equilibrium must adjust to new conditions.
This exercise asks visitors to time themselves at spatial and mathematical tasks while in motion. I chose difficulty level 6, and it took me 44 seconds to complete a series of numeric patterns that later only took me about 27 seconds sitting still... and of course you feel like you are going to vomit or faint if you take TOO long! Click here to see a close-up of the console.