Browncoats! Do you know what the Alliance hates? Dedicated freedom fighters, creativity, and most of all: FREE STUFF! Next Friday, September 20th, is the anniversary of the premiere of Firefly. More than a decade later, I still live to wave the Serenity Valley flag.
You've all seen the great GEEKCHIC TEES Firefly products on Captain Mal's Wisdom or Facebook Firefly, probably thanks to the them partnering with us for a contest to give away a free shirt this past May.
We had SO much fun, and met SO many new awesome FLANS, we decided to do it again. Now, GeekChic Tees will be giving away TWO free T-shirts to two lucky Browncoats! The contest will run for one week, today through next Friday (September 13th - 20th).
At the end, we let the cat pick two names at random (SRSLY!), and the winners, upon sending clothing size and address confidentially, get to pick their favorite products from the GeekChic Tees catalogue!
To enter the contest for the free T-shirt, simply tweet one of the following, so Mr. GeekChic and I can see it in our feeds:
Browncoats! Win FREE Firefly TShirt from @geekchic_tees at @Pillownaut blog http://bit.ly/13Ubic4 SHINY #YouCantTakeTheSkyFromMe #FIREFLY
#Firefly Win a Free FIREFLY shirt http://tinyurl.com/kdc3ykj from @geekchic_tees at @Pillownaut blog. Browncoats Unite! #Shiny #Serenity
Win FREE Firefly TShirt at @Pillownaut blog http://bit.ly/13Ubic4 @geekchic_tees Spread the word, Browncoats! #CantStopTheSignal #FIREFLY
#FIREFLY Win a Free Firefly shirt http://tinyurl.com/kdc3ykj from @geekchic_tees! Browncoats Unite! #Shiny #BigDamnHeroes cc @pillownaut
Or, make up one of your own tweets, but be sure to include, AT MINIMUM: the link to the contest, both Twitter handles, the hashtag #FIREFLY and any other Browncoat saying or quote... but please, not too much gorram cussing in Chinese!
If you are not on Twitter, share this page to Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest, and/or Google+ and then email Pillownaut to say you have done so: h r a 2 3 6 2 - at - yahoo dot com.
Enter as many times as you like, on as many platforms as you like. We'll go check them out! Every share and tweet counts as an entry. It also counts as an entry if you follow either of us on Twitter for shiny NASA and Firefly updates in the future.
DEADLINE FOR ENTRIES: Midnight, September 19th!
Winner will be announced on the morning of September 20, 2013.