You know how, every now and then, you just stumble across something smothered in EPIC AWESOME and you think, wow... this has been around awhile -- how did I miss it? It just happened to me this past weekend.
A new pal from Twitter sent me the link to a hilarious video featuring a "science comedian" ... what, what? How did this fly under my radar for so long? How did I miss this bandwagon? And why don't we have MORE science comedians?

And now that I am in the San Francisco Bay area, where he is also based, here's hoping I get a chance to see him perform live sometime soon! We should have booked him for SpaceUpSF!
After getting stuck on Malow's YouTube Channel for over an hour, I decided to order his Comedy CD and read some of his past blog posts, which are pretty entertaining! Would you believe this guy even makes Pluto's demotion sound funny? Of course, it's not funny. But it is.
He riffs on (seriously), neutrino definitions, Thomas Edison, evolution, karma, space exploration and totally won me over straight into groupie status with his spots on one of my favorite writers, Philip K. Dick! His comedy contains a huge amount of educational information, so for a nerd like me, it's win-win. Funny AND Informative. I want him to do a rock star tour of elementary schools in the south.
Poor Science in Sci-Fi Movies
Brian has also been featured on (or in), Slashdot, the San Francisco Chronicle, Washington Post, New York Times, Nature, Chemical & Engineering News (I'm thinking he's the only comedian there!) and Comedy Central.
Given how many of these I read regularly, I was just continually stunned as I poked around his press page, that I simply never saw him before. (Then again, I've also never seen "Titanic", so maybe this will be magic week for that, too.)
I freely admit, however, that I had never been to, and may never have seen his bug photographs there.

Progression: Mothers nagging their children up the evolutionary ladder.
"Stand Up Straight! Don't drag your knuckles!"
"Stand Up Straight! Don't drag your knuckles!"
For other great moments in comedic science, you can join Brian's Facebook Page, see his new videos on or follow his @sciencecomedian Twitter feed.