I'm tickled pink and thinking green today on our big blue marble! I pledged my little garden and acts of blog advocacy on the Earth Day Network for the Billion Acts of Green campaign, and I hope everyone else is doing their part too!
The "Acts of Green" counter is up over 6.5 million! Good job, Earthlings! Let's work to keep our amazingly diverse planet safe, habitable for all creatures, wisely sustainable and as beautiful as it was before we pesky hairless apes invented gasoline and garbage.

Yours. Mine. Ours.
Of course, for many workers in clean energy, green aviation, solar power research, ethanol development, wind turbine manufacturing, and a growing plethora of efforts to be respectful to our lush landscapes, every day is Earth Day!
Special shout out to the awesome folks who are experimenting with Sustainability Base Green Buildings, (I remember being hired to photograph this back in 2012 when it was still called the Ames Ultragreen!) for what we hope shapes the future of office building construction and maintenance.

Look Ma, no plastics!"
Following up on trivia series about the studies of planetary habitability of Earth, the Solar System, and exoplanets, and the now-public press release from the Visible Paleo-Earth project?
Data sets from the present day Earth and all the way back to 750 million years ago are available, and they are spectacular! Using a collection of satellite-based observations, scientists and artistic "visualizers" from NASA Goddard Space Flight Center stitched together observations of the land surface, oceans, sea ice, and clouds into a seamless, true-color mosaic of every square kilometer of Earth.
The PHL also has a great collection YouTube Channel, which includes various animations of their work:
My favorite is the compilation of rectangular maps, morphed together to show changes on Earth from 750mya onward; it's amazing to see what tectonics wrought over the many millennia, until finally, at the end the formations become the "recognizable map" of continents that we all know today. Wonderful job!