Honestly, if I had known how huge this space map would turn out, I might not have started it last fall -- but I'm glad I stuck with it! This past week, I worked on all the space agencies across South America, Africa and the Middle East:

After adding about 40 miscellaneous sites, I was pleased I amassed such a thorough collection, but didn't like how messy it looked with all the markers. I only had 7 colors to work with, and it didn't look quite right, aesthetically.
So, I found some tiny .gifs and re-created place markers with the flag of each nation. And I was finally able to center the map properly so it shows the entire world and not just the USA (which is actually one of the smaller concentrations of space sites).
I ran out of room (who knew Google maps had a marker limit for each page?!), and in order to finish all the national space agencies, I had to remove the space crafts and museums -- but I will create separate map for those, and perhaps add world planetariums soon. The Google list on the map's NavBar is in the following order:

Wow! That makes nearly 200 space sites! Of these listed centers, launch pads, research institutes or mission control sites, 195 are active and 3 are currently under construction. The newest additions include:
EUROPE (Independent of ESA)
Българска академия на науките or Bulgarian Aerospace Agency (Sofia, Bulgaria)
Hrvatska Svemirska Agencija or Croatia Space Agency (Zagreb, Croatia)
Magyar Ürkutatasi Iroda (MUI) or Hungarian Space Office (Budapest, Hungary)
Centrum Badań Kosmicznych (CBK) or Space Research Center (Warsaw, Poland)
Agentia Spatiala Româna (ASR) or Romanian Space Agency (Bucharest, Romania)
Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Araştırma Kurumu( TÜBİTAK) or the Scientific and Technological Research Council (Ankara, Turkey)
Comisión Nacional de Actividades Espaciales or National Commission for Space Activities (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Agência Espacial Brasileira (AEB) or Brazilian Space Agency (Federal District, Brazil)
Centro Técnico Aeroespacial - Instituto de Aeronautica e Espaço (CTA/IAE)or Aerospace Technical Center - Institute for Aeronautics & Space (São Paulo, Brazil)
Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE) or National Institute for Space Research (São Paulo, Brazil)
Comisión Colombiana del Espacio (CCE) or Space Commission (Bogotá, Colombia)
Agencia Espacial Civil Ecuatoriana or Ecuadorian Civilian Space Agency (Guayaquil, Ecuador)
Agencia Espacial Mexicanal (AEXA) or Mexican Space Agency (Mexico City, Mexico)
Comisión Nacional de Investigación y Desarollo Aeroespacial (CONIDA) or National Commission for Aerospace Research & Development (Lima, Peru)
Centro de Investigación y Difusión Aeronáutico-Espacial (CIDEA) or Center for Aeronautics & Space Research (Montevideo, Uruguay)
Agencia Bolivariana para Actividades Espaciales (ABAE) or Bolivarian Agency for Space Activities (Caracas, Venezuela)
Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional (LAPAN) or National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (Jakarta, Indonesia)
조선우주공간기술위원회 or Korean Committee of Space Technology at Tonghae Satellite Launching Ground (Musudan-ri, North Korea)
한국항공우주연구원 or Korea Aerospace Research Institute (Daejeon, South Korea)
Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST) (Daejeon, South Korea)
Agensi Angkasa Negara (ANGKASA) or The Malaysian National Space Agency (MNSA) (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
National Remote Sensing Center (Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia)
Singapore Centre for Remote Imaging, Sensing and Processing (CRISP) (Singapore)
新竹縣新豐鄉上坑村坑子 or National Space Program Office (HsinChu , Taiwan)
สำนักงานพัฒนาเทคโนโลยีอวกาศและภูมิสารสนเทศ or Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency (Bangkok, Thailand)
Viện Công nghệ vũ trụ or Vietnam Space Technonogy Institute (Hanoi, Vietnam)
African Space Agency – Under Construction of the AU (Location TBD)
الوكالة الفضائية الجزائرية ASAL Agence Spatiale Algérienne or Algerian Space Agency (Bouzareah, Alger, Algeria)
الهيئة العامة للاستشعار عن بعد وعلوم الفضاء or National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences (Cairo, Egypt)
المركز الملكي للإستشعار البعدي الفضائي or Royal Centre for Remote Sensing (Rabat, Morocco)
National Space Research & Development Agency (NSRDA) (Abuja, Nigeria)
لمركز الوطني للإستشعار عن بعد or National Remote Sensing Center (Tunis, Tunisia)
Azərbaycan Milli Aerokosmik Agentliyinin (AMAKA) or Azerbaijan National Aerospace Agency (Baku, Azerbaijan)
سازمان فضايي ايران or Iranian Space Agency (Emamshahr, Semnan, Iran)
סוכנות החלל הישראלית or Israel Ministry of Science and Technology (Jerusalem, Israel)
پاکستان خلائی و بالا فضائی تحقیقاتی کمیشن Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission (SUPARCO), also the Space & Applications Research Center (Karachi, Pakistan)
Telemetry, Tracking and Command (TT&C) Facility (Lahore, Pakistan)
Satellite Ground Station & Geomagnetic Observatory (Islamabad, Pakistan)
Space & Atmospheric Research Station (Multan, Pakistan)
Space Application & Research Center (Peshawar, Pakistan)
معهد بحوث الفضاء Riyadh Space Research Institute (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)
Commonwealth Scientific & Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO), Astronomy & Space Science Branch (Geraldton, Western Australia)
Australian Space Research Institute (ASRI) (Manuka, Australian Capital Territory)
Geoscience Australia (Symonston, Australian Capital Territory)
Space Research & Remote Sensing Organization (SPARRSO) (Dhaka, Bangladesh)
Sri Lanka Space Agency, part of the Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (Colombo, Sri Lanka)