So there's this realty company named Movoto, and they somehow grew a sense of humor, despite being a realty company.
Not only are they funny, they are space enthusiasts! On the Movato blog, they profess an admiration for SpaceX, and say they have been inspired by commercial space initiatives to think up interesting ways to relate to space! Hey, don't most of us do this all day?
On this same blog is an amusing info graphic about how many average homes could fit into the DeathStar, and I'm digging whomever they go to complete their artwork. In terms of working environment, this place must be a hoot. Clink on the link or the picture to see the answer. :)
It gets better. Want to know how much money it would take to launch your entire house into space? I tried it. It would take $678 million to put my dwelling up into the black.
To put that number into perspective, that's just slightly over the nominal gross domestic product (GDP) of Ecuador.
They don't happen to mention whether you will just be orbiting around Earth in your floating house or if you theoretically get to travel somewhere interesting. Pity, as I was expecting the follow-up graphic to be the mileage to Europa!
The space fun doesn't stop there. Last but not least, just how large would a house have to be in order for it to be visible on the moon??
No joke, just a little larger than the city of Houston. I'm betting we wouldn't lack for construction volunteers on the project, however...when do we leave? Check out Movoto's site -- but make sure it's when you have some time to kill.