As much as I'd love to see her debate Rick Perry (slam dunk win, no contest), and go for the GOP nomination so those folks would embrace science at a higher level... today we will focus on Camilla's social media awards!

And what a great day for STEM! I wasn't even going to post today, but sometimes the stars just line right up and I can't help but share. I was pleased to find a wonderful article on IO9 about a study across 86 countries showing there are no biological difference between male and female mathematical abilities.
How delightful, I thought. People are finally realizing the only differences are cultural opportunities and expectations, and these can eventually be overcome when the benefits of education are made known to all.
One of the best way to spread the word is through social media, something miss Camilla Corona SDO dedicates herself to each and every day.

Our favorite NASA mascot was nominated for a Shorty Award in the "Non-Human" category, credited for her tireless efforts to encourage children, particularly young girls, in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) pursuits!
Mine was vote number #20, but we still need at least 17 more to overtake the hot spot, so if you have a Twitter account, definitely visit the Shorty Awards page for Camilla to tweet your support!
You can also follow Camilla_SDO on Twitter, or the Camilla SDO Facebook Page... and of course, if you missed her television appearance before the final Space Shuttle launch, you can check her out on YouTube!